msm.jpg (18259 bytes) KEY MID-STATE MODE FEATURES:
In Brief
1 :: Visualization Display Window

2 :: Song Information Window
3 :: Playlist Progress Indicator
4 :: Song Progress Indicator
5 :: Jog Wheel
6 :: Volume Control Knob
7 :: Navigation Buttons
8 :: Playback Mode Buttons and the Navigation Mode Button
9 :: Playback Control Buttons
10 :: Chassis

In Brief:

Mid-State Mode is the middle of the three available play modes in Sonique.  Unlike Small-State mode, it can display the same information and has all the same buttons as Visual Mode, but in small, streamlined package.

1 : : Visualization Display Window

The Visualization Window is where audio sensitive graphics are displayed. The Visualizations (Vis's) are in the form of plugins that reside in the Sonique directory with the *.svp (sonique visual plugin) extension. To change which Vis is being displayed, just move your mouse over the window and a green tab will slide up out of the bottom of the window. By clicking on the right and left arrows of the tab you can change the Vis that is displayed. Incidentally, whatever Vis is selected to display in MSM is also going to appear in EM. Wrapped around the Vis Window is the Playlist Progress Indicator, which is described below.

2 : : Song & General Information Window

The Song & General Information Window is where all the textual information from Sonique is displayed in MSM. The primary function of this window is to display song information while that song is being played. In the blue tab at the top of this window is the number of the song in the playlist, and under that is the current amount of playtime that has elapsed for that song. By clicking on the elapsed time, you can toggle it to display the remaining song time as well. In the main area of the window is the file name of the song (example: music.mp3) and the ID3 tag name of the song (if it exists). In addition to song information, this window displays other context sensitive text relating to various functions of Sonique. Functions of all of the buttons and knobs are displayed in this window, as well as seek-to information. Wrapped around the Song Information Window is the Song Progress Indicator.

3 : : Playlist Progress Indicator

The Playlist Progress Indicator is not only the sole indication of where in the playlist you currently are (in MSM), but it is the easiest way to navigate to different songs in the playlist without going to the playlist window in EM. All of the dots together represent 100% of the total time in the playlist, as the songs play, the grey dots fill with color from cyan to purple. Putting the mouse cursor over the Playlist Progress Indicator will cause the Song & General Information Window to display what song in the playlist that that area represents. For example, if there are three songs in the playlist of equal length, the first third of the area will represent the first song, the second third the second song, and so on. If one song is longer, then it will take up a greater percentage of the area. Clicking on the Playlist Progress Indicator will cause Sonique to jump to the beginning of the song that is displayed in the Song & General Information Window. The ability to use this feature of Sonique will greatly enhance it's functionality for users with very large playlists, as it is difficult to get to the end of the playlist by clicking on the "next track" button repeatedly.

4 : : Song Progress Indicator

The Song Progress Indicator is similar to the Playlist Progress Indicator except that this Indicator represents the song that is currently playing. As the song plays, the grey dots will fill with color from green to red. Putting the mouse cursor over the Indicator will cause the Song & General Information window to display the elapsed time of the song to that point, and the total time of the song. Clicking on the Indicator will jump to and play from that point in the song. As you can see, this feature effectively removes the need for CD Player-like seek buttons. With the ability to jump instantly to any point in the song, there is no need to slowly seek over the song. However for those who desire a scanning control, there is the Jog Wheel.

5 : : Jog Wheel

The Jog Wheel is the scanning control for Sonique. General knob use is discribed under the First Steps of the Help Documentation. The jog wheel is similar to the seek/scan buttons on a CD Player. Spinning the Jog Wheel clockwise will advance the song and spinning it counter-clockwise will reverse it.

6 : : Volume Control Knob

The Volume Control Knob is pretty self explanatory. General knob use is discribed under the First Steps of the Help Documentation. Spinning this knob clockwise increases the volume, and counter-clockwise decreases it. While manipulating the volume, the Song & General Information Window will display the percentage of the total volume that you have selected.

7 : : Navigation Buttons

The navagation buttons are described fully in the First Steps section of the Sonique Help Documentation.

8 : : Playback Mode Buttons and the Navigation Mode Button

The playback mode buttons are described fully in the First Steps section of the Sonique Help Documentation. However there is one special addition to the Playback Mode Buttons in MSM, The Nav Button : nav2.gif (399 bytes). The Nav button will jump Sonique directly to the NC Navigation Screen. This is necessary because if you move from NC to MSM using the navigation buttons or a shortcut, when you return to NC it will be opened to the same screen you last left it in. By hitting the Nav button, you always go to the Navigation Screen.

9 : : Playback Control Buttons

The playback control buttons are described fully in the First Steps section of the Sonique Help Documentation.


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